Friday, March 13, 2009

angora goats

Sasha and Missy
Missy and Sasha
I went to North Carolina this past Sunday to pick up 3 angora does. Missy and Sasha are 2 small yearlings. I also purchased a 3 year old doe(whom I named Maddyson, Maddy for short) for breeding with my nigerian dwarf buck. I will get a pic of Maddy up soon. They are 3 sweet girls.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

our first snow this year

Our first snow this year was this past Sunday, It hung around for a couple of days.

Today it will be in the 70's. I will finish the new fence I started putting up before our beautiful snow fall. Got to get it done today, because I'm getting 3 angora goats tomorrow.
Last night I tried to get a picture of a rooster going to roost at sunset, I didn't get much of the sunset but I got a nice silhouette of the rooster in the tree: